Below is a post by IMPress author Elisabeth Bostwick, author of Take the L.E.A.P. : Ignite a Culture of Innovation.
With the constant innovation occurring within EdTech, it can leave educators scratching their heads on which way to turn. Some educators opt to utilize technology as a substitution for paper and pencil tasks while others are seeking tech tools that engage and empower learning to transform experiences. Many educators use a combination of approaches to infuse technology in a meaningful demeanor. There’s not a right or wrong way to leverage technology per se, but what we need to be cognizant of is how it’s being used to create deeper or transformational learning. Technology can deeply engage, leading to empowered learning that fosters competencies in our learners in combination with honing in on developing skills.
As Eric Sheninger shares on IGTV, “Competencies are a dynamic combination of abilities, attributes, and behavior, as well as knowledge that is fundamental to use the skill aligned to learner outcomes.” We need to be intentional at helping learners become competent in the skills we’re fostering.
Let’s reflect on our current practice. When integrating technology into the classroom, where is our primary focus?
Is it on drilling a skill, moving students through a scripted “personalized” online program, or are we encouraging our learners to engage as active communicators, goal setters, creators and problem solvers, increasing student agency?
Students may appear engaged while using tech tools to practice math or reading skills. This isn’t necessarily wrong to do on occasion, but if it’s primarily how students are using technology in the classroom, we’re missing the boat. When I see this in action, I like to take a minute and approach students to gain their perspective. I ask them, “do you enjoy what they’re working on?” And, if they do, I’m always curious to find out what it is that they like about it. In all transparency, kids tend to look at me like I’m crazy when I ask this question, particularly if they’re not accustomed to being asked to share their voice. Most often I find that students who appear to be engaged using technology as an electronic worksheet are simply being compliant.
Technology continues to evolve, making our lives better or easier in some regard. It has the capacity to open doors to new opportunities as we redefine learning, creating limitless possibilities in the classroom. However, that doesn’t mean that everything we do in the classroom has to involve technology. As educators, we benefit from beginning with the end in mind and working backwards. Ultimately, we need to consider what the learning outcomes are and then how we will get there, while also thinking of the competencies we are seeking to foster. It’s important to create ample opportunities for students to explore, create, and collaborate through authentic problem solving within learning.
The SAMR model can be extremely useful when we want to transform learning experiences in our classroom by leveraging technology in a meaningful way to empower learning. Rather than substituting a worksheet with an online platform that basically replicates the work, we can move into augmentation, modification and redefinition. Opportunities to foster competencies increase as students utilize technology that incorporates the desired skill while empowering them to work in teams toward learning targets. Let’s explore.
Looking at the continuum, where do your students spend the most time?
There are numerous tools that can be leveraged to move through the continuum toward redefinition. When I’m seeking to transform the experience, I also consider how I can infuse the 6Cs of Reimagining Learning.
In my book, Take the L.E.A.P.: Ignite a Culture of Innovation, I provide L.E.A.P tips on how we can foster each. Now, I realize that we could add many more words that begin with the letter C such as citizenship and culture to name a couple, but I find that these can also fall under the category of connectedness, for example. When we are intentional about fostering the 6Cs of Reimagining Learning, we naturally begin to transform learning. And, for the greatest possible impact, we can embed competencies to deepen learning all around by being cognizant of how we employ the use of technology.
Let’s begin by thinking about how students use technology outside of school. While many passively watch video content of their favorite streamer or YouTuber, they also utilize technology to converse with peers, post pictures or use a combo of media to create Instagram Stories, comment on posts, and create content in connection with their interests. They even like to watch how-to videos that are relevant to them. Many kids have their own YouTube channels, even elementary students. Let me take a pause and express that as a parent, we do need to ensure we’re supporting our children to navigate technology appropriately and that I’m not advocating for young kids to be all over social media or on YouTube, but that’s a completely separate blog post for the future! Anyhow, I see youth using editing software to create their own video content, code robotics, and more outside of school. I cannot recall a time when I’ve seen youth outside of school using technology as a form of an electronic worksheet unless it has been assigned by a teacher. However, not all students have the same access to tech tools as others and as mentioned above, and some are less informed on how to use it appropriately.
In our schools, we have a unique opportunity to help students grasp how they can leverage technology appropriately to foster interpersonal skills, creativity and innovation, self-direction, and how to organize and present information to have an impact on the world… That’s right, the world! Technology allows us to share our voice and connect with experts from around the globe. We can bring elements of how children use technology outside of school, inside of school.
The Power of Video Creation
Integrating video creation in the classroom can be extremely powerful. Using anything from iMovieto WeVideo, students can create video content that curates their learning and then post videos to the class YouTube channel (with teacher permission). If you are uneasy with using YouTube (even despite privacy settings), SeeSaw or Flipgrid can be used as an alternative. The benefits of SeeSaw and Flipgrid are that students can add voice recordings or text sharing feedback with peers.
In our classroom, we used video for newscasts in connection with Project Based Learning and opinion writing, too. Video can also be used for acting out or creating a new ending for a book. Students were empowered to create how-to videos and weekly updates that we posted on our web based newsletter for families. Rather than me doing all of the communication, they became the co-creators of content and as a result, more families tuned in!
Tip: If employing video creation, I highly suggest that students have a graphic organizer handy that connects to their work so that their information is mapped out prior to creating the video. Developing a workflow supports learners to remain focused, helping them to be clear and concise.
I’ve seen first hand how creativity, collaboration, and communication skills skyrocket when video creation is interwoven in learning. Simply adding the option of creating a video while learning math, draws students in more deeply than merely working on a math assignment. Here’s why: when students are empowered to capture their own learning; demonstrating the process, their misconceptions or findings- they unleash creativity and personalize their product due to having ownership.
Video creation requires learners to watch and listen to their product, providing the opportunity to catch errors or identify what they’d like to improve upon. Video also empowers students to share their voice with others around the world. Our goal is to create authentic learning opportunities, and leveraging the power of video creation is limitless!
Harnessing the Capabilities of Apps and Websites
It’s rare that we use apps for anything other than to create our own content to demonstrate or capture learning. As a coach, expose learners to versatile apps that empower them to demonstrate creativity, communicate their thinking, collaborate with others, set goals, and integrate Design Thinking. In our classroom, learners have access to several apps or websites that have similar functionality such as Book Creator, Explain Everything and EduCreations (to name a few). Students select their preferred tool based on what they feel is best and then share their product on SeeSaw or Flipgrid to receive feedback.
[Carving out time for feedback encourages students to respond with empathy, think critically about how others can improve or what they did well, and reflection. The opportunity to refine work allows learners to build upon their learning, rather than viewing it as final.]
Furthermore, learners are empowered to add videos and pictures of their projects that include voice over, text, and graphics which allow them to reflect on their learning journey and unleash creative potential. Within learning environments of empowerment, you’ll observe students moving independently around the room to utilize resources and materials that support and enhance their learning. When integrating technology, leverage tools that are relevant to learners and that are likely to be used outside of school. This includes blogging, shared documents for collaboration, providing feedback to peers through avenues such as Google Classroom (Google Docs) or Office 365 and developing media to enhance presentations or demonstrate learning.
Equip Learners to be Confident, Future-Ready Individuals
Technology isn’t a substitute for teaching. Rather, it has the potential to be a powerful tool for deepening the education experience for both learners and teachers. Let’s move beyond scripted online programs that often diminish the drive to learn. Ultimately, we desire students to be intrinsically motivated and driven to grow. Let’s increase intrinsic motivation and foster competencies that are fundamental to skill development by leveraging technology in a meaningful way. Looking at how students are using technology outside of school provides insights on what will feel authentic to them. And, by exposing students to other relevant uses equips them as confident, future-ready learners and unleashes each individual’s potential.