What if education could be better—for students and for educators?
Our changing world demands creative thinkers and collaborative problem solvers, but too often, schools stifle growth and discovery in favor of getting through the curriculum or preparing for “the test.” Learning opportunities and teaching methods must evolve to match the ever-changing needs of today’s learners.
When we tell kids to complete an assignment, we get compliance. When we empower learners to explore and learn how to make an impact on the world, we inspire problem solvers and innovators. This required change in education involves more than providing training for administrators and teachers to implement new curriculum or programs and resources; it demands that we, as teachers and leaders, create an environment where learners at every level are empowered to take risks in pursuit of learning and growth rather than perfection.
This book is for you if you are wondering . . .
- What if learners were valued for their diverse talents and not just our traditional model of “smart”?
- What if I could create new and better experiences for those I serve?
- What if I could inspire students to learn, to discover their passions, and to share their ideas with the world?
“This must-read book will inspire you to create experiences that develop learners, workers, and citizens who will thrive in a changing world.”
—Linda Darling-Hammond, president, Learning Policy Institute
“Katie not only provides an analysis of what’s (glaringly) wrong in education, she also paints a bright vision for what’s possible and provides a practical roadmap for how we might get there.”
—Kaleb Rashad, director, High Tech High, San Diego
“In Learner-Centered Innovation, Martin eloquently shares evidence-based, practical ways to ignite curiosity, develop passions, and unleash student genius through the types of learning experiences that today’s modern learners need to thrive in tomorrow’s world.”
—Thomas C. Murray, director of innovation, Future Ready Schools
“Learner-Centered Innovation is an inspirational call to action for all educators who dream of a brighter future for our children.”
—Devin Vodicka, chief impact officer, AltSchool
Learner-Centered Innovation is available on Amazon! Join the conversation and tweet @KatieMartinEdu or learn more at KatieLMartin.com