Learning at Home: Finding Balance

Below is a post from IMPress author Elisabeth Bostwick. If you enjoy this post, you can check out Elisabeth’s book Take the L.E.A.P.: Ignite a Culture of Innovation!

We are in a time in which we are all doing our best with the outbreak of COVID-19. I’m someone who thrives on routines and I know that my boys do, too. However, when kids learn that school is closed and suddenly they’re learning at home, we have to find what works best for all of us. In lieu of the number of teachers and parents who were suddenly seeking resources, I composed a blog post, Resources for Educators and Families in Light of School Closings, filled with many ideas as support. We all know the value of learning and many worry that our kids will fall behind. I validate that concern. However, I want to challenge us to consider some other factors.

Within my blog post, I didn’t just include websites and resources for skill-building, but also for hands on activities, Design Thinking projects, mindfulness, virtual field trips, and activities to engage children in both inside and outside. All of these are so beneficial as they spark curiosity, creativity, and inspire meaningful learning.

It’s Okay to Take a Step Back

The purpose of including these resources was to remind us that we do not need to set up home classrooms that are replicated after a brick and mortar school, and engage kids in worksheets or workbooks for six hours/day. I’m so happy to see people supporting their children, and if your child does best with a home classroom, than it’s good to do what works best. Both of my teens benefit from a quiet space that allows them to organize their materials as they see fit. However, they like to work wherever they’re most comfortable.

A common question I’ve been asked is: to schedule or not schedule? As a mom of teens, we did create a schedule as a reference of some of the things they benefit from daily. For example, time learning, physical fitness, learning something they’re interested in, free time, reading time, random acts of kindness, etc. However, it’s just a guide. They may come up with new ideas each day. I want to remain open and see what they come up with independently. They’re so accustomed to rotating on a bell schedule, so I’m actually enjoying the process of restructuring our days and what learning looks like.

Having teens, it’s important that I also provide them ownership over what their day looks like, too. I think even our youngest learners benefit from this as well. Providing choice, empowers voice. Plus, it also demonstrates mutual respect and trust. Both boys (very different personalities) are doing all of their morning routines on their own and completing daily work sent by school. They’ve only spent an hour, sometimes two, completing their school work assigned by their teachers. However, the first two days, that wasn’t the case. I was patient because I understood that both were adjusting to the change and dealing with feelings of frustration from losing some of the things they love. Julian just made the varsity tennis team and Nolan had joined track. Dances canceled, loss of face-to-face communication with peers, and the loss of teachers who make a positive impact. Everything is suddenly different and finding a way to accept the change may require time. I can’t even imagine how our high school and college seniors must be feeling. We need to allow children space to process what has happened. However, children are incredibly resilient and will likely gain character from these experiences over a course of time.

Do What Works Best for You & Your Family

When it comes to learning, I’m not worried. I believe that our children are resilient and that if on some days they do less work than others, they will be okay. Our country is going through a challenging time and families are in so many different situations. Some of us are trying to work at home and many still need to report to work. Some of you are healthcare workers, and may be returning home completely exhausted. We have to take some of the pressure off and take a deep breath. We have to show ourselves and others some grace.

The same goes for educators. I know how much teachers love their kids and care about supporting them so that they don’t lose any growth they’ve made. Many went remote and are doing online teaching on the fly, kudos! That is a challenge, but very impressive. There are also schools who have not moved to any online learning management system yet, and therefore are sending hard copies home.

As both an educator and parent, I want us to keep it in the forefront of our minds that not all learners have the same level of support at home and many may become caregivers for families. Let’s try to be reasonable with how we continue to promote learning. In my heart, I believe that learning should feel engaging and deeply meaningful. Maybe this is an opportunity to provide some projects that incorporate creativity, choice, and engage on a deeper level? We inspire our learners to dive into authentic learning experiences. And, any way we can remain connected to continue fostering relationships, is beneficial.

A Fresh Outlook

I have to admit I really love seeing everyone’s pictures of their kids learning from home. I love that I’ve seen geocaching, painting, hiking, baking and cooking, Lego challenges, playing outside, website creation, building forts, and making/creating of all kinds. At our home we’ve also been spending more time training our puppy and engaging in time together. Our oldest is mapping out a business he wants to launch and is about to join a course with Don Wettrick on entrepreneurship. Both boys are participating in more family contributions by vacuuming, sweeping, etc. They’re learning how we can all pitch in and work collaboratively with so much more time with one another. Yes, our kids may have assignments to do, but it’s so important to remember that learning happens in many different forms. We need to find the balance within the day for both us and our children.

Give Yourself a Break, Find a Balance

One friend on Facebook was thrilled with her first day of homeschooling her child. She celebrated that it was a complete success! The second day, not so much. Suddenly the child refused to do the work sent home from school. A fellow educator on Twitter also shared how her daughter was refusing to read and many others jumped in and shared their similar struggles. No one is expecting you to run a full-on school day at home. We also want to ensure we avoid power struggles with our children and remember that they have their own emotions in connection with what’s happening.

At school, kids do not sit for hours on end completing worksheets (at least I hope not). They engage in STEM, art, music, create projects, engage in discussions, physical activity, learn through game based activities, play outside and even make within makerspaces. Flexible routines are beneficial, but allowing kids to have a say in the order in which they complete work or engage in activities is helpful, too. Kids of all ages benefit from breaks if they’ve been engaging in school work for some time for balance.

Also, it’s okay that they complete school work on the couch, floor, or even in bed–– as a teacher, I had flexible seating and never insisted they remained in one place (we did have an organizational system though). We all have so many things going on that we have to take time to breath and let our kids breath, too. Each day may look and feel different.

Together, we will provide support to one another and persevere through this. Just know, you’re not alone. Keep in mind that we all need to take time to care for ourselves, too. Self care is not selfish. Carve out time to ensure you’re doing something for yourself so that you can remain centered and your best for others. Finding balance in this time is so crucial for all of us.

Creating Authentic Learning Experiences at Home

Below is a post by IMPress author Kaite Martin! She talks about the many opportunities we have to make learning powerful at home! If you enjoy her post you may want to check out her amazing book Learner-Centered Innovation!

Many parents have now also become their kids’ teachers whether we wanted to be or not. There is a lot of pressure and unknowns with the quarantine and school closures. I work from home and I will continue to work through the quarantine and school closures and I know that many parents will as well. I understand the challenge of managing work, kids, relationships in new structures and know that we will have to be patient with ourselves and others as we navigate this together and set new priorities and boundaries.

In light of obligations and parenting styles, there are many who have abandoned all structures and those who have hyper structured environments to stay sane. Each family and child is different and I suspect that our routines and approaches will continue to evolve. There is fear that our kids will miss out if we don’t recreate school at home. While others are afraid our kids will miss out if we do create school at home. I get it. I also think that we have an opportunity to make space for learning experiences that are authentic, personal, and impactful for each child while they are home. For me, it is not about recreating school, it is about fostering a love of learning and joy, and slowing down to just be, explore, wonder, and create.

Before I share some examples of what you (and more importantly your kids) can do, I want you to take a minute and think about a time where you learned something that has stuck with you and made an impact. This doesn’t have to be in school. Think riding a bike, learning to cook, driving a car, performing a play. Think not only about what you learned but how you learned.

Consider: What was the context? How did you learn? How did you feel? 

If you are like most people, you are probably smiling after conjuring up some great memories and powerful learning. Regardless of the vast experiences, I hear people share, the themes of authentic learning experiences remain pretty consistent.

These characteristics are:

  • personal connections,
  • opportunities to exert agency,
  • clear goals and accountability,
  • an inquiry-based approach,
  • collaboration,
  • authenticity,
  • productive struggle,
  • use of models, and
  • time for critique, revision, and reflection.

We have an opportunity to connect with kids and help them see parts of the world and slow down a little bit. Instead of trying to recreate the school day and mince it up into subjects and worksheets, we can take this opportunity to engage in authentic learning experiences that mimic these same powerful experiences that you just reflected upon. It’s important that kids have the basic skills and maybe finish that math worksheet but more important that we foster connection, love, and curiosity and hope in these unprecedented times.

Here is the rub, if you ask a lot of kids what they care about, many don’t know, especially in the context of school- I know this is a generalization but bear with me. Everyone likes the idea of a passion project or authentic learning but without a little structure or a spark, sometimes it’s hard to get started. If we want children to engage in authentic learning, it is foundational to spark curiosity to help them develop the new skills, knowledge, and mindsets that are so critical for their development. “Curiosity is the engine of intellectual achievement. Studies show that those who are more curious about a topic tend to learn faster. For example, this study shows that curiosity essentially primes the brain for learning.”

Here are some ideas and opportunities to spark curiosity and engage in authentic learning at home.

Go on a Virtual Field Trip

There are a few zoos around the country that are letting you explore and see the animals while they are closed. Now you can go on a safari at the Cincinnati Zoo or check out sea life at the aquarium, and hang out with giraffes all from the safe quarantine of your home.  Check out the zoos and aquariums that are offering some virtual field trips here. You can also visit these incredible museums and galleries here.

Put on a Performance and Share

Jennifer Garner, who is pretty amazing and an empathetic mamma started #heyjenlookatme to create a place for kids to share performances that they have been working so hard on. You can have your kids create something, practice it, and share their art with Jen or Laura Banati who is doing something similar. If you aren’t quite ready for the public, share videos or go live with grandma and grandpa, some close friends or just put on performance inside your own home for your family.

Build a Fort or a Treehouse

My kids have been obsessed with our tree outside and it now has a zipline, 2 hanging chairs and since they are home indefinitely they have decided their “project” is going to be to build a treehouse… Stay tuned. Building forts and treehouses or whatever is fun but they also have to learn how to be resourceful with what we have, work together, and use some skills to make the thing a functioning structure. And when it’s done they can play in it for hours or days and then get inspired to renovate based on my own experience:).

Draw with Mo Willems

Famous author and artist, Mo Willems is inviting us to join him for a doodling session. So cool! https://www.facebook.com/KennedyCenter/posts/10157801467120865. What an opportunity to learn and draw with him at 1 p.m Eastern time?!?

If you can’t make this live event, you can watch it later or just make time to draw and create on your own throughout the day.


Jennifer Garner and Amy Adams have teamed up for #savewithstories to read favorite children’s books. More about that here.

Whether you read to them, celebrities, grandparents, their teachers or whomever, make sure that kids have lots of opportunities to read stories, nonfiction, newspapers, blogs or whatever piques their interest. Spending time each day reading independently is important. It is also really important for them to see you read. Here are some great strategies to use when reading with kids of all ages.

Go on a (Nature/City/Farm) Walk and Explore Your Community

I love this project from elementary teacher Annick Rauch. She took her students on a walk in their community to notice, explore, and learn what makes a good community. You can recreate this with your kids by going on a walk (and of course keeping the appropriate distance from others).

Bake Something

My daughter loves to bake and it continues to be a great learning experience for her and she likes to tell people that she taught herself to bake via youtube. She watches videos online from her favorite bakers and then through some trial and error realizes that she has to find a recipe, or at least think through the plan, make sure she has the right ingredients, measure, mix, and make and then creates a variety of (mostly) yummy dishes. Here are a few recipes to try.

Learn About Covid 19 and the History of other Pandemics

There are some great videos and resources that are being created to help kids learn about Covid 19. Katie Novak has created some daily schedules and coronavirus resources and activities. Check it out for more ideas.

Go to the Coronavirus text set on Newsela (free login). Allow kids to choose two articles they are interested in about Coronavirus. They can read alone or work with a sibling. You can also read it to them. You can lower reading level so kids can comprehend articles they choose (it’s in the Lexile box on top right). 

Alternatively, play this podcast for kids from “But Why: A Podcast For Curious Kids”- it’s about coronavirus and the science of soap! (Thanks, @TimOLeary_VT

Ignite Passion and Unleash Genius

In my book, Learner-Centered Innovation, I shared examples of how we can create authentic experiences that spark curiosity, ignite passion, and unleash the genius in schools and there are so many opportunities to do this at home as well. I shared these questions in this blog about how families could make the most of the time at home and hope they are helpful to extend the learning and build off of the resources shared.

  • What problems are you interested in working on?
  • What do you want to learn more about?
  • What do you know and what do you still need to learn?
  • What resources i.e books, articles, videos might help you learn more?
  • How does this connect to what you already know?
  • What are some creative ways to solve this problem?
  • Who are the experts you can learn from?
  • How will you share what you are learning?

This framework and guiding questions from Design 39 Campus are great to think about how you might structure an inquiry-based project. When kids are curious and engaged in authentic learning, there are many opportunities to write, read, create and share throughout the process.