Learner-Centered Leadership: A Blueprint for Transformational Change in Learning Communities


How Can Education Respond to a Faster World?

The pace of change in our society is currently accelerating. Old concepts of authority and hierarchy have been challenged by the reality of a networked world, and bedrock ideas about what citizens need to know have been overturned by a constant drive to learn anew. For Devin Vodicka, the response to these challenges is both simple and all-encompassing: it is the learner who is constant in the new world, and therefore educators must empower the learner to drive their journey.

In Learner-Centered Leadership, Vodicka offers a deeply researched and urgent blueprint for orienting education around the strengths, interests, and needs of individual learners. He makes a compelling argument for the wisdom in giving students the resources to draw their own learning paths and the power of reimagining schools as centers for the intellectual and social development of lifelong learners prepared for a rapidly changing world. Drawing from theories of the mind, change management, and organizational transformation as well as the author’s own experience leading a school district through change, this book serves as an important guide to creating a learner-centered approach to education.

An inspiring book by a visionary and courageous leader.

—Yong Zhao, author of World Class Learners

A fabulous resource and well worth the read!—Pamela Moran, retired superintendent and coauthor of Timeless Learning

A research-based, experientially grounded framework for educational leaders.—Thomas C. Murray, director of Innovation, Future Ready Schools, Washington, DC

Click here to purchase Learner-Centered Leadership

Training vs Learning

A blog post by Katie Martin

I recently shared this graphic on Twitter, which resonated with many of you and I wanted to share an excerpt from my book, Learner-Centered Innovation, where this graphic came from.

A school leader shared with me that, although she felt her school offered ample professional development, she was frustrated that they hadn’t seen a dramatic shift in the classrooms. She had hoped to see an increase in students solving authentic problems and using applications for deeper learning experiences. Instead, students used technology to upload and share information or to complete assignments that looked very similar to the work they had done without technology. In response, I asked the leader to describe a typical professional learning day. She told me that, in every after-school meeting, she showed teachers how to use different apps; in fact, she constantly shared tips on new apps and tools she came across. What puzzled her is that the teachers seemed encouraged in the meetings and even shared their own ideas.

As we dug deeper into why the training wasn’t translating into the classroom experience, she realized that her teachers were doing exactly what she had modeled for them: they were using new tools to do the same activities and teach the same content they always had. Although they liked learning about new tools, they hadn’t been modeled or used in a way that connected them to student applications for different or deeper learning.

I always cringe when I hear the word training used to describe educator professional development. Training happens to or is thrust upon people. Learning, on the other hand, is a process of developing knowledge through authentic and relevant experiences. If professional learning is ever going to be effective in bringing about change for students, it must shift away from something done to educators toward a process of creating a culture of continuous learning cycles and problem solving. There is a time to learn new skills or specific programs, but professional learning can’t end with information; content is only the beginning. The following table depicts common experiences that differentiate training from learning.

Shifting the Focus from Teaching to Learning

In education, we have a lot of systems that run smoothly because we have been doing them for years. The problem is that when we work with the same people, doing the same things, ineffective practices are rarely challenged or changed. Traditions and habits don’t inspire new ways of thinking for educators or for students. Here is an example, and I apologize to any English teachers reading this, but I have been in too many conversations about whether The Outsiders is an eighth-or ninth-grade book and have mitigated arguments between seventh-grade teachers about whether or not to teach Farewell to Manzanar. And if you know English teachers, these conversations can become heated. This same scenario plays out in many contexts, whether it is the play that is done every year or the unit that has to be taught in the fall because it has always been that way. One of many problems with these arguments is they are about territory and preserving the status quo, not kids, what they are learning, and why. If the comfort and preferences of adults become the priority rather than what’s best for learners, students miss out on powerful learning opportunities connected to their goals, questions, and interests.

As a result of doing what had always been done, when I was the literacy coach for our school, we noticed that many students were going through their day without the opportunity or expectation to read. Many students were performing below grade level on standardized tests and struggled to read the textbooks and assigned novels. Attempting to support students, teachers had resorted to creating PowerPoint presentations to summarize and convey key facts; books were read aloud, and teachers played recordings of novels so everyone could follow along at the same pace while short passages and multiple-choice worksheets were widely used to assess comprehension. We came to the realization that, if our students never read on their own or made meaningful decisions for themselves in school, they were going to struggle with these things out of school. While we grappled with this very real issue, our professional learning consisted of disparate events that offered no help. The English language arts department wanted to do better for our students, but I also knew that if they knew a better way, they would have been doing it already. We needed to learn new strategies to improve, and we had to shift the culture to focus on our desired student outcomes and align how we were designing and facilitating the learning experiences.

To achieve our goal of increasing reading practice and ultimately literacy, our English department had to shift our meeting structures from examining what we wanted and what we were teaching to reviewing student work to find out what they were learning. We wrote a proposal to our principal to purchase a copy of the book 7 Strategies for Teaching Reading for each teacher in our department and requested stipends for the teachers to meet regularly after school for eight weeks. The total cost of our request was less than $ 1,000 ($ 100 per teacher and $ 20 for each book). We read the book and came together after school to engage in collaborative conversation that allowed teachers to experience the new strategies in their own reading and learning. We then planned ways to support students in their diverse classes. Each week, we independently read about a new strategy, rotated modeling lessons for our colleagues, and collaborated on a plan to put the new ideas into practice. One distinction here is that we did not create a plan for one specific lesson; we thought about how to integrate the new strategy across various lessons and develop multiple iterations of the strategy to inform our practice. To ensure we were working to close the knowing-doing gap, we partnered up each week to observe each other and learn from the variety of methods we were each putting into practice. At the beginning of our weekly meetings, we shared what we were learning. The open reflection not only allowed us to create a culture of transparency in our team but also pushed us to try out new ideas and build off one another’s successes and challenges.

We shifted our conversations from what content and page number we were teaching that week to what we were learning and how we could impact student outcomes. This also meant that we had to bring evidence of learning from all students connected to our desired outcomes. We had to move beyond the spreadsheets and percentages to actually understand what was happening in our classrooms. We spent our time digging deep into our problems of practice, looking at student work, and interrogating our practices to ensure we were truly meeting the needs of the learners.

While our English department worked together to create better learning experiences for our students, reading about and discussing new ideas was critical for our growth. As we explored these new approaches and ideas, we began to rethink the traditional teaching of a class novel. We created more opportunities for choice and designed opportunities for students to grapple with text to make sense of it. We moved from designing learning experiences based on the content and page number we were teaching that week to how to design learning experiences that empowered our students and helped them develop the skills to become better readers, writers, and speakers. By being willing to make changes in the way reading and literacy had always been taught, we improved outcomes for our students.

Learner-Centered Innovation

Learner-centered innovation is not just about creating something new but doing something that yields better outcomes because of what we have created. With that in mind, we asked questions like, “How do we know that our idea is working?” and “What is the impact on desired student outcomes?” When we focus our efforts on what we want to accomplish, not simply the metrics or data from an isolated test or standards but on the type of student we want to create, we might find that our meetings and our learning experiences become more impactful.I would love to hear about examples of what you are doing to create job-embedded cycles of professional learning and the impact it is having!

To learn more about making the shift from training to learning, check out Katie Martin’s book Learner-Centered Innovation.

Reclaiming Our Calling

In Pursuit of Learning That Lasts . . .

This genre-busting book captures the heart, mind, and hope of education like no other. Through a series of interwoven stories, award-winning educator and principal Brad Gustafson reminds us of what we’ve known all along: Children are more than numbers, and we are called to teach and reach them accordingly.

Reclaiming Our Calling will empower you to . . .

  • Talk about learning that lasts in tangible terms
  • Teach on behalf of the whole learner by tapping into their strengths
  • Take steps toward meaningful change regardless of your role
  • Understand and lead with the 4 Passions of the Profession and invite others to do the same
  • —–

“ . . . an inspiring call to action.”
John R. Ryan, president and CEO, Center for Creative Leadership

“ . . . powerful classroom stories, reflective-thinking opportunities, and practical strategies.”
Donalyn Miller, author and literacy advocate

“ . . . a great resource for teachers to get back to the core of great teaching and learning.”
Josh Stumpenhorst, teacher, librarian, author, and speaker

Reclaiming Our Calling is a gift to all educators.”
Jessica Cabeen, author, speaker, and nationally distinguished principal

“ . . . it’s a message many educators badly need right now.”
Peter DeWitt, EdD, author/consultant, Finding Common Ground blog (Education Week)

“ . . . a physical manifestation of the heart and soul of education.”
Dr. Tony Sinanis, educator, author, and speaker

“ . . . a rallying cry for all educators . . . and policy makers should take notice.”
Gov. Bob Wise, president of the Alliance for Excellent Education and former governor of West Virginia

Reclaiming Our Calling is available on Amazon! Chat with Brad Gustafson on twitter @gustafsonbrad or check out his website for more information about Reclaiming our Calling.

George Couros



George Couros is a leading educator in the area of innovative leadership, teaching, and learning. He has worked with all levels of school–from K-12 as a teacher and technology facilitator, school and district administrator, and is the author of the book “The Innovator’s Mindset; Empower Learning, Unleash Talent, and Lead a Culture of Creativity. He is one of education’s most sought after speakers, and speaks on the topic of innovative student learning and engagement and has worked with schools and organizations around the globe. George is also the creator of connectedprincipals.com, an initiative that brings educators and leaders together from around the world to create powerful learning opportunities for students.

Although George is a leader in the area of innovation, his focus is always the development of leadership and people and what is best for learners. His belief that, meaningful change happens when you first connect to people’s hearts, is modelled in his writing and speaking. His keynotes are known for making you laugh, cry, and think, and will inspire you to become a better educator.  You can connect with George on his blog, “The Principal of Change” or follow him on Twitter (@gcouros).

Keynotes and Workshops

Create, Innovate, and Voice  

Description: In this talk, George will highlight some of the trends that are happening in education and the world and how we create a learning environment that is engaging for students.  By giving them the ability to create meaningful learning, be innovative, and empower them with a voice, we will see students succeeding long after their time in school.

5 Questions You Should Ask Your Leader 

Description:  The role of school or district administrator has changed dramatically and instead of people serving the leader, it is more important that it is the other way around.  In this talk/workshop, I discuss five key questions that we need to be able to answer as leaders and the innovative ways that we need to look at our role as administrators.

The Networked Leader/Educator 

Description:  The role of school/district administrator is essential to what happens in the classroom, yet we often are unaware of some of the amazing opportunities that social media is not only providing our students and teachers, but ourselves as well.  As school administrators, we need to be the “Learning Leader” for our organization and social media gives us the opportunity to connect, openly learn, and humanize our organization.  When we learn together first, only then can we effectively lead our schools to continuous improvement.

Leading Innovative Change 

Description: Although schools are moving forward, change is always something that many struggle with.  Focusing on an innovator’s mindset and our “why”, this workshop is meant for leaders to help others within their organization not only accept change, but embrace it, to create better powerful learning opportunities for our learners.  It is not focused on the “how to” of technology, but is more focused on the conversations that will help staff move forward in a way that they will be excited yet feel supported in their journey.

Learning By Design 

Description: We know that the role of school has change, but it is important for people to understand why it needs to change.  Once that can be established, then we are more likely to embrace this change, and move forward with the learning of ourselves, and more importantly help our students move forward as well. In this talk, George will discuss the “why” of change, and then using the ISTE Nets, give examples on “how” we can make this happen.

The Myths of Technology and Learning  

Description: This keynote helps to address some of the “myths” or pushback that many organizations go through in moving technology forward in their organizations.  With many powerful and personal stories of how technology can improve learning and relationships, this has been a great opportunity to help those reluctant move forward in their thinking and adopt a growth mindset.

What to look for in Today’s Classroom 

Description:  The focus of the classroom has, for the better, shifted from a focus on the teacher to a focus on the learner.  In this talk, I will share several elements of what we should be looking for in today’s classroom, knowing that focusing on only a few at a time, can start the move towards a transformational learning environment.

Your Digital Footprint 

Description: We all have a digital footprint, as do our schools and organizations.    “Googling” ourselves makes this apparent whether we have had any say in it or not.  As individuals and as organizations, what can we do to actually shape this footprint?  With open sharing of our learning, a digital footprint can easily be developed for either an individual, school or organization.  This is not about branding as much as it is about modelling for our students that we are learners along with them.

Involving Parents in the Process of Learning

Description: Parent involvement in the learning process of schools is the number one factor for student success.  As schools look forward towards using social media to improve learning in their schools, many parents are fearful of what this means.  Social media provides an opportunity for parents to have meaningful engagement in the learning of their child.  This can greatly change the conversations not only at school, but also at home with the child.  This talk provides peace of mind to parents while also engaging them in considering the unique opportunity they have to participate in their child’s learning.

From Digital Citizenship to Digital Leadership

Description: We often tell our students that what they do online can affect their future, but do we share or teach them how their online presence can also provide them opportunities that we never had as kids?  There are many great examples of people and students doing things to not only improve their own opportunities, but to improve the lives of those in their school, communities, and around the world.  Kids have an opportunity to make a difference and we need to focus on giving them both the opportunities and tools to make a difference in their world through the effective use of technology and social media.


When working with groups, I encourage discussing the “why” through a keynote then following up with hands-on workshops.  This pushes learning forward, having participants leave with ready to use tools and educators ready to implement their new learning immediately.  Examples of workshops on specific ideas and tools that I provide are:

  • What is innovation in education and how do we move forward?
  • Twitter for administrators/educators/parents
  • Blogs as a portfolio
  • Google Apps in the Classroom
  • Web 2.0 Tools for learning/communication
  • Creating a Digital Footprint for our Students
  • Digital Literacy
  • Digital Identity
  • Creating Blended Learning Environment

Book George Couros




Kids begin their learning journey as curious problem solvers who ask questions and create solutions. As they go through school, something happens to many of our students, and they begin to play the game of school, eager to be compliant and follow a path instead of making their own. 

As teachers, leaders, and parents, we have the opportunity to be the guide in our kids’ education and unleash the creative potential of each and every student. In a world that is ever changing, our job is not to prepare students for something; instead, our role is to help students prepare themselves for anything.

In Empower, A.J. Juliani and John Spencer provide teachers, coaches, and administrators with a roadmap that will inspire innovation, authentic learning experiences, and practical ways to empower students to pursue their passions while in school.

Compliance is expecting students to pay attention. Engagement is getting students excited about our topics, interests, and curriculum. But when we empower students, they crave learning that is both meaningful and relevant to their life, now and in the future.

Empower is for you if …

  • You are a teacher eager to get students making, designing, and creating their own learning path in (and out of) the classroom
  • You are a superintendent, district administrator, or principal who is leading change and working to help your staff thrive in a twenty-first-century learning environment
  • You are a coach, staff developer, or teacher leader who is crafting professional learning experiences and wants to encourage colleagues to be the guide on the ride

Empower is focused not only on what happens when students own their learning but also on how to reach a place where that is possible in the midst of standards, set curriculum paths, and realities of school that we all have to deal with. Written by real educators who are still working in schools and with teachers, Empower will provide ways to overcome these challenges and turn them into opportunities for our learners to be unabashedly different and remarkable.

Empower is available on Amazon! Join the conversation online using the hashtag #EmpowerBook and learn more at EmpowerBook.co.